Category: Azure (6)

Automating the update of the Azure Bot endpoint with ngrok

As a chatbot developer, it is often necessary to run your chatbot locally and map localhost to the internet using ngrok. However, every time ngrok is started, the URL it generates changes, which can be a hassle when you need to update the endpoint for your chatbot in Azure. To solve this problem, we can implement an automated process that retrieves the ngrok endpoint and updates the Azure bot endpoint for us.

Dec 22, 2022
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Use PowerShell script to monitor and start a deallocated Azure VM

My Azure VM sometimes gets deallocated for some reason, so I created a PowerShell script and configure it as a scheduled task to monitor the VM status and start the VM once it is deallocated. The script uses a precreated Azure service principal to automatically authenticate Azure and Azure PowerShell cmdlets to detect the VM status, if the status is deallocated then it calls Start-AzVm to start the VM, the script execution result is recorded to a log file.

Jan 25, 2021
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How to use Sign-in Card to authenticate your Bot against a third party login service

Bot Framework (v4) provides OAuth sign-in feature to authenticate against an OAuth login provider. However, there are few samples showing how to use Sign-in Card to authenticate against a third party login service. This article will show you how to use Sign-in Card to authenticate a third party login service.

Jan 2, 2020
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Logic App Editor in Visual Studio stops working after installing KB4507460 on Windows 10 version 1607 and Windows Server 2016

The 2019 July update: KB4507460 of Windows 10 version 1607 and Windows Server 2016 has a known issue where Internet Explorer 11 and applications using JavaScript or the WebBrowser control may fail to run. Logic App Editor in Visual Studio is also affected by this issue since it uses Internet Explorer render engine: mshtml.dll and jscript9.dll to display the webpage in Visual Studio. The provided workaround in KB4507460 does not fix the issue of Logic App Editor as Visual Studio has its private registry keys, this article will show you how to work around this issue by changing Visual Studio private reigstry key. Latest update: Microsoft has fixed this issue in 2019 August cumulative update: KB4512517.

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Implement the Follow-up prompt for QnA Bot

QnA Maker can automatically create a Bot on Azure that links to the knowledge base you have. Recently, I was asked many times that the QnA Bot created by the template does not display the follow-up prompt. The follow-up prompt is just a PREVIEW feature of QnA Maker. The QnA Bot template has not supported this follow-up prompt feature yet. Before Microsoft Bot Framework officially supporting follow-up prompt feature, we have to make code change in order to support it in our QnA Bot. In this article, I will show you how to implement the follow-up prompt by changing the Bot code.

Aug 3, 2019
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Automate Azure Web App deployment using Gulp + Git

I have used Visual Studio to deploy Azure Website, the integration of VS and Azure makes web deployment very easy. However, I have another website that is built by Gulp automating tasks. And therefore, I was looking for a single command to deploy website using Gulp, like: gulp deploy. Azure offers many options to deploy Web App: Visual Studio, Git, Powershell, FTP, manual deployment. After weighing all the factors, I chose Gulp + Git to automate the deployment. Each Azure Web App allows user to create a Git repository as the deployment source. Local Git Deployment to Azure App Service shows how to enable the Git repository from Azure portal and how to deploy your app to Azure App Service from a Git repository on your local computer. This article will focus on how to automate the deployment using Gulp.

May 31, 2016
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